The First Is For the Dog

    The First Is for the Dog! How the creative process is a lot like making crepes. I’m not a great cook, but I do like to try. One of the things I enjoy making most is crepes. Years ago, French friends made them for our oldest son when he stayed for supper...

Audio Podcasts, Making Them a Part of Your Brand

    Audio Podcasts, Making Them a Part of Your Brand Did you know that it takes only 0.146 seconds for a human being to interpret a sound? Or that streaming audio has grown 64% since 2014? Or that there is at least one smart speaker in 41% of US households ? Some of...

Stock Icons Are Not Your Brand

    Stock Icons Are Not Your Brand Media control symbols are the STOP (square), PLAY (triangle), FAST FORWARD (>>), REVERSE (<<) and PAUSE (||) we see everywhere. Their use dates back to the 1950s and they are recognized almost anywhere on earth. They are...

Hues You Can Use

    Hues You Can Use: How Corporate Colors Help Build Your Brand A corporate color palette refers to the set of colors that a company uses for its branding and marketing materials. Most companies choose a distinct and consistent color palette to enhance their brand...

Back to the Basics of Business

    Back to the Basics of Business When asked about his secret for success, Lee Iacocca – the American automobile executive and former CEO of Chrysler Corporation – is often credited with saying, “I open all my mail and I return all my phone calls. The rest is...